I'm Sarah

Thanks for checking out my portfolio!
I'm a game animator drawn towards stylized animations for characters and environments. I love exploring new aspects of the field and I try to immerse myself in the entire animations pipeline - from the early concepts to the finished game.​
Feel free to download my resumé :D
Stockholm University
Bachelor of Science Major: Computer and Systems Sciences Minor: Computer Game Development During this 3 year bachelor's programme at Stockholm University I studied animation, 3D modeling, programming and other related subjects. I also took part in extracurricular activities within the Student Union DISK. Courses in highlights:​ - Project Work in Game Development - Game Mechanics - 3D Rendering & 3D Modeling - Programming 1&2 - Mobile Application Development​
Extracurricular Activities
Stockholm University
​During my studies I also took part in extracurricular activities within the Student Union DISK. These volunteering roles taught me leadership, project management and event organizing. - ​Insparken 2022, Drivare - Insparken 2023, Staben - Insparken 2024, Veteran - Systemvetardagen 2022, Worker Member of: - Insparken - MES (Musikaliska & estetiska - sektionen) - NärS (Näringslivssektionen)